Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Understanding Brain Mapping

The brain mapping technology has been developing these years. It is quite controversial since the technology can be beneficial as well as being harmful to human being.

First of all, brain mapping technology should have some advantages. As stated in the articles, one important implication of this technology is to overcome some diseases. Brain mapping can use computational modeling to understand how brains activate and process human thoughts. Hence, mental diseases like paranoid schizophrenia, semantic dementias and melancholia could be dealt with since brain mapping may help the doctors to understand what patients are thinking and then apply appropriate treatment. What’s more, this technology also has implementation in criminal investigation since it can predict mental disorders and consequently tell whether a person is lying.

On the other side, brain mapping may raise some ethical problem. If the technology is misused, people’s privacy cannot be secured. If someone uses this technology to invade brains, some private information could be known by others. In addition, the article told us that the technology has not been well developed yet. Hence, when the technology is used in a court or criminal investigation, it may lead to misunderstanding of the suspects, which is really unfair to them.

It is important to predict and minimize the potential unethical abuses regarding brain mapping. First, scientists should set standards for how far the technology can be implemented in order to avoid misuses. Second, some agreement about the admissibility of the technology should be applied from court. In this way, the implementation is legally proved. Third, when we want to map a person’s brain, we should ask for his or her consent before hand.

To conclude, brain mapping technology has both positive and negative effects to the society. Once the technology is misused, some unethical abuses may be caused. Hence, to use the technology properly is a moral issue. Scientists should cooperate with the society to minimize the unethical abuses to the largest extend.

1 comment:

khoose said...

Hi Li Xing,
You have completed all 5 Portfolio tasks. Good work.

You wrote in Portfolio Task 4 that you have trouble using jargon. Jargon refers to specialized vocabulary, such as medical terms and geological terms. Jargon is not that important unless you are writing for a specialized audience. It is more important to write clearly, using a good structure and appropriate vocabulary that a general audience can understand. So don't worry about jargon.

All the very best for the exam, and remember to keep on working on improving your English. Read as much as you can, and take note not just of the content but also of the way that different writers write for different purposes.

Good luck!
Ms Khoo :)